Sunday, April 29, 2007

Johannes Nagel


Anonymous said...

My favorite piece in the show for concept and execution. This could be explored in so many different variations and not become cliche or dull.
Layer upon layer upon layer of interest made me walk around and look again and again..

Audry said...

After now being familiar with Johannes' other work, I can tell this is really quite a new direction. I really wish I could see this in person. It seems like a piece that would really hold my interest. I hope I will get to hear more about it since I didn't hear the crit. I'm especially curious as to where the plates all came from. Were they bought new, or from friends...etc.

Beth Suellentrop said...

Sooo different from what I have seen of Johannes' work. This image doesn't seem to do the piece justice, I wouldlove to see this in the gallery to be able to examine it more.